Tuesday, January 10, 2017

week 25 and week 23 in MDM- "-4 degrees in Belle Isle"

Hey Ya'll 
I hope you had a good week and were able to work on your goals. This week we went on exchanges on Saturday in Belle Isle. It was so stinkin cold. Like negative 4 degrees. But we saw lots of miracles. We went into a Kroger to get out of the weather and started to talk to people, there was this super cute old black couple walking around just so in love. They were laughing and just having a grand old time grocery shopping. We stopped them and just started talking, they have been married for 47 years and told us that the key is to 'just always act like tomorrow is your wedding day' I liked that. They wanted to learn more about the church after we bore testimony about temples and how families can be together forever. We met this other man by the canned fruit and started to talk to him about his baseball cap because it almost looked like the Witt Ex. ones my dad always wears. Well turns out he helped build the stadium for BYU and always wanted to learn more about Mormons but no one have ever offered. How cool is that? These people just went grocery shopping and our testimonies could change their lives forever. Anyway its great to be a missionary. 
So this week I read my favorite chapter of scripture ever which is 1 Nephi 17. Look it up! Its a good one! Anyway I find so much comfort in verse 51. The Lord can instruct us to do anything and He will also give us the means to do whatever He asks! 
Love you all! 
Sister Witt 

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